Nitasha Sharma

Instructor & Outreach Coordinator


  • PhD, Indiana University Bloomington, 2017

Research Areas

  • Tourism Geography and Cultural Studies
  • Dark tourism; Authenticity; Fantasy, folklore and magic in tourism
  • Ethics and moral behavior in tourism
  • Sustainable tourism, climate change adaptation and resilience
  • Sacred geographies, rituals, and religious tourism


Nitasha Sharma is a tourism geographer and her research broadly examines the multiple and contested representations of place and spatial behavior through projects situated in critical tourism studies and cultural geography. She specializes in the perception of authenticity, dark tourism, spectral geographies/haunted heritage, folklore, magic, and supernatural elements in tourism. Her other research interests include moral and ethical issues in tourism and rituals and sacred geographies. She is an Associate Editor for the journal Tourism Geographies and an editorial board member of the Annals of Tourism Research.

Selected Publications

  • Sharma, N., & Martini, A. (2024). Dark tourism geographies: ontological, epistemological and axiological perspectives. Tourism Geographies, 1-10.
  • Sharma, N., & Timothy, D. J. (2023). Endurance rituals, performativity and religious tourism. Annals of Tourism Research100(C).
  • Sharma, N., Rickly, J. (2023). Ritual and Tourism. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham.
  • Sharma, N. (2023) Faith, fear and well-being: Tourism and religion in a Covid-19 era. In Çakmak, E., Isaac, R., & Butler, R. (Eds). Changing Practices of Tourism Stakeholders in Covid-19 Affected Destinations. Routledge
  • Lovell, J., & Sharma, N. (2023). Fairy tourism: negotiating the production of fantasy geographies and magical storyscapes. Tourism Geographies, 1-18.
  • Rickly, J., Sharma, N., & Canavan, B. (2023). Authenticity: the state-of-the-art in tourism geographies. Tourism Geographies, 1-10.
  • Sharma, N. (2022). Acknowledging the Shades of Grey: The Past, Present, and Future of Dark Tourism in India. In Indian Tourism: diaspora perspectives (pp. 125-142). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Martini, A., & Sharma, N. (2022). Framing the sublime as affect in post-disaster tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 97, 103473
  • Sharma, N. (2020) Dark Tourism and moral disengagement in liminal spaces. Tourism Geographies, 1-25.
  • Sharma, N. (2020) Interpreting the sacred in dark tourism in D.H. Olsen and M. Korstanje (Eds) Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage. (pp. 25-37) CABI. Oxfordshire, UK